Three worst work environment factors that increase a doctor’s risk of burnout.
If you were a betting person and saw an opportunity to wager with odds in the triple digits, you’d put your money down without a second thought. Did you bet against yourself (and risk your family, your health and your professional career) when you chose your medical specialty and work environment?
In a 2017 discussion paper, Burnout Among Health Care Professionals
A Call to Explore and Address This Underrecognized Threat to Safe, High-Quality Care, Dyrbye et al present an exhaustive review of the literature and an almost overwhelming list of specific questions medical scientists could research if we really want to slow down burnout rates in doctors, nurses and other health professionals.
With regard to work environment, three factors raised the odds of physician burnout to triple digits:
- Work home conflict (200 – 250 % increased odds)
- Medical or surgical specialty (up to 300% for emergency medicine, general internal medicine, neurology)
- Incentive pay (130% increased odds vs. other salary models)
Four additional factors raised the odds to double digits:
- Computerized order entry (29% increased odds)
- Career stage (25% increased odds at midcareer)
- Private practice (20% increased odds)
- Career fit (25% increased odds if you spend less than 20% of your work effort on the activity that you find most personally meaningful
These were just the work environment related factors.
Dr. Lori Barr discusses the other top factors in episode 48 of The Doctor’s Mentor Show.
Read the entire discussion paper by clicking on the reference below.